Sashiko Patterned Pillow

I look at this finished project sitting in our green chair and part of me can’t quite believe I am the one who made it. I finished stitching the sashiko design over the weekend and felt intimidated to tackle sewing it all together. I am much more comfortable with hand sewing over machine sewing, but I also needed to learn how to do an invisible seam. It’s something I had never done before but I found this helpful video to guide me.

Here’s the pillow after I sewed two of the sides on the sewing machine and was about the start using an invisible/ladder stitch to sew the whole thing closed over the pillow form.



When I was finished, I held the pillow over my head and did a victory lap around the apartment to celebrate. It felt like a HUGE accomplishment to make this simple object.



Now that this is done I am either going to tackle the embroidery kit I also bought in Toronto, or begin a new freeform stitching design on a piece of clothing.