10 Good Things From The Week

This is me trying to cultivate a sense of gratitude and focus on good things as I struggle through a difficult time…

  1.  Onesie Day at Steamclock. Especially wandering the streets to and from lunch dressed in our onesies.
  2.  Drinking an excellent hot chocolate at Mink Chocolate Cafe on Friday afternoon.
  3.  Enjoying the beautiful sunny weather we continue to have despite the cold.
  4.  The arrival of winter. (The Vancouver version).
  5.  Making a tiny bit of progress on the wool blanket, by cutting the pieces and planning the composition.
  6.  Walking in Mundy Park, Port Moody, and seeing the many types of mushrooms everywhere on the trails.
  7.  Hanging out at Bakery Sate on Wednesday afternoon, while rereading Art & Fear.
  8.  Watching a hilarious movie with Boris, and coincidentally sitting beside fun people I wish I knew better.
  9.  Finishing three books over the course of the weekend.
  10.  Checking out cool stuff at Canzine on Sunday afternoon.