It’s funny how I can be away from home for two months, which at the time felt like a long time, and then return home and feel like I never left at all. I don’t mean this in a bad way. It’s just that time passes differently when not following a schedule and don’t have specific obligations each day. It’s as if the two months expanded into three, and then time contracted now that I am back to regular life.
I had hoped to write more while we were in Berlin, but I wasn’t feeling enthusiastic about sitting down with my iPad to write a blog post. I saw lots of art while I was there, and shared a small portion of it on Instagram. The images included here are of some of my favourite shows and works of art. You’ll probably notice a bit of a theme.
Many of the shows at small galleries I discovered through the Art Rabbit app. Thanks to my friend Vanessa for telling me about it.