Paper Ornaments and Circle Punches

I recently made new decorations for the Steamclock Software office Christmas tree. I felt we needed some in a more seasonal appropriate colour, and I was interested in trying to make a few things with a new smaller circle punch.

Paper decorations

I started with a huge pile of circles from red and white paper to make a garland, and then brought these home to sew together with thread on my sewing machine. I shared a video of the sewing process on my IG stories and people seemed to love the meditative quality of putting one piece of paper after another and the sound of the needle punch through paper.

Paper decorations

I also made a new batch of ornaments, also using the same 2.5″ circle punch. The instructions I found recommended making these from sixteen pieces of paper, but I made a second batch from eight pieces and these seem to work fine as well. Find the instructions on how to make these over here.

Paper decorations

Paper decorations

Paper decorations

I like the blue, red, and white ones the best. All the paper decorations are now hanging on the Steamclock Christmas tree in the front office, and looking good.