Red vine


An unfortunate, but inevitable, side effect of digital photography is the reduction of film production by companies like Kodak, Fuji and Ilford. There just isn’t as much demand as there once was and so, many films have been discontinued and taken off the market. One such film that I wish was still made is the Fujichrome MS 100/1000. I was given a few expired rolls by Johnny Foto to cross-process and the results were excellent. I really wish this film was still around because I haven’t found anything that compares in term of colour saturation and texture when it comes to cross-processing slide film.



Taken in Vancouver’s Chinatown with cross-processed Fujichrome Provia film. This detail is of an old garage that is one of my favorite buildings in this area of the city. I love the way the yellow paint has cracked and is flaking from the walls as the building itself slowly crumbles away.

Lately I’ve been shooting with a new Trash Camera called an Akira that I picked up months ago at Value Village. I really like the look of the results I’ve gotten from it so far, such as the shot above.

Near and far away

Mr. Bruder

Taken with a Canon EOS 500, using cross-processed Fujichrome Provia slide film. This is the third or fourth time I’ve worked with this film and it seems to have a lot of red in it when cross-processed. The colour bias isn’t always suitable, depending on the subject matter, but it works well with these two shots.

Expired film

I really enjoy meeting other photographers because of the unexpected influences their style and techniques can bring to my own photography. Take for example the work of my friend Joanna and her use of cross processed expired slide film, which she mostly shoots with for the sake of its lower price and tendancy towards weird colouration. It was not something I would have thought to try without her influence.

This shot of mine was taken with expired Seattlechrome slide film. I’m not sure of the age of the roll but I can tell the film wasn’t stored properly at a stable temperature because of the “fogging” through the highlight areas. The colour shift is very interesting and brings a certain nostalgia to the shot that reminds me of family photographs from the seventies.

Part of the challenge of shooting with this kind of film is the unpredictablity of the results. It all depends on how the film was stored, its age, accuracy of exposure, and the reaction of the film when cross processed.

These three portraits were taken with a roll of Fujichrome 100 ISO that expired in 1993 that I picked up at a camera show. The most interesting colour shift was in the shot on the left because the subject was actually wearing a brown shirt and vest, not blue. Really old expired film can be tricky to find, but I would recommend camera shows and ebay as places to start, and most local photo supply stores tend to have a few rolls they’d be happy to get off their hands for a cheaper price. A good way to “age” newly expired film is through dramatic temperature change, say by experimenting with leaving it on the heater. I’d suggest doing this under controlled conditions, and not just leaving it there indefinately. Let me know if it works!