Good Things

Week 22 - Maggie
Week 22 – Maggie, from my 52 weeks self portrait series.

10 Good Things from the Weekend:
1. Being part of the most personal and special wedding I’ve ever attended. My friends Marc and Jacquie really did things right.
2. Sitting at the Blenz in Horseshoe Bay enjoying a lovely morning while waiting to catch a ferry.
3. Hooking up with an excellent road trip companion.
4. Chatting with people I haven’t seen in ages and happily hearing they are doing well.
5. A glorious sunrise on Sunday morning, followed by a beautiful day.
6. Making it back to the city early on Sunday and doing some of the things I thought I’d be missing out on – like the Ruby Dog garage sale.
7. Buying two plants from the awesome store on Main Street.
8. A long phone conversation with Mandy.
9. A much needed Sunday afternoon nap.
10. Enjoying some quiet time to myself, and feeling recharged after the weekend.

Life is an Art

Week 21 - Life is an art
Week 21 – Life is an Art. From the 52 Weeks self portrait series.

Good things from the weekend:
– a delicious meal that came in many small bowls, followed by a very tasty dessert – all made by Zak.
– Saturday brunch at the Sandbar on Granville Island
– the fastest trip through Ikea ever, which yielded excellent results
– a well-timed phone call from Hendrik that led to a fun Sunday afternoon
– the glorious weather on Sunday afternoon
– homemade sky high pizza made by Boris. So-called because it was stacked with toppings.
– having a clearer mind after a few weeks of too much stress and anxiety

Act courageously in your own best interests

Week 17 - Fresh flowers
Week 17 – Fresh Flowers, from the 52 weeks self portrait series.

From the Free Will Astrology newsletter…

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Resilience is a quality that allows you to rise above setbacks and find resources in unexpected places. It’s a willful instinct to seek the higher ground and a bigger vision. It’s intensely practical, because it shushes the nagging voices in your head that make negative interpretations of your experience, thereby allowing you to act courageously in your own best interests. This is Resilience Week for you, Leo. Call on your dormant reserves.