Yarn Tree Commission: KidSafe Writers’ Room

Another yarn tree has taken shape in the city of Vancouver, this time on the walls of the KidSafe Writers’ Room located in Queen Alexandra Elementary School.

I was contacted a few weeks ago by the program co-ordinator, Sarah Maitland, and asked if she could commission me to create a yarn tree for the room. After visiting the location in person I decided it would work better to create groupings of branches around the room rather than a full tree. It would be far too tempting and easy for the kids to take apart the pushpins and yarn so I placed them all out of reach. There are three groups of branches in the room, and each has a mix of red and green leaves.

Yarn tree - The Writers' Room-2

Yarn tree - The Writers' Room

I worked on the project while perched atop a ladder as well as the cabinets the branches are placed above. Adding the leaves to the ones located above the sink (pictured above) was the trickiest part. I had one foot on the ladder and one foot on the cabinet in a very unsafe position, but it was the only way I could reach high enough to tuck the leaves into the yarn. (Don’t try this at home kids….)

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Yarn tree - The Writers' Room-5

Yarn tree - The Writers' Room-4

Yarn tree - The Writers' Room-3

I’m really glad at how this project turned out, and it was fun to work on another yarn tree. Thank you to Nadia Baker for sharing my work and sending the commission my way.

Please read more about the KidSafe Writers’ Room. It’s a project that offers tutoring help and literacy programming to at-risk students in Vancouver, and they’re always looking for volunteers and donations to support the program.

Drawing with Yarn: The Completed Tree at Foodtree

I completed the yarn tree at the Foodtree office early last week with the addition of fabric leaves tucked into its branches. It is so very lovely with the red leaves, and it brightens up the office.

Yarn Tree

I am very pleased with my work on this because I had no idea how it would go when I first started putting pins into the wall, and I was winging it all the while. I love it when an experiment in a new process/medium comes together.

Yarn Tree-2

Yarn Tree-3

My plan is to create one of these on a wall of our apartment and have it as a permanent installation. I’m aiming to have it completed in time for the Eastside Culture Crawl so it can be yet another thing for people to see when they come by.

Yarn Tree-4

Materials used: 1.75 balls of sock yarn, 407 pushpins, and artificial leaves (I didn’t count them).