I’m really looking forward to the upcoming show of collaborative works by Neal Nolan and Eben Bender. He’s one of my favorite Vancouver-based artists. The above shot is one of his most recent pieces (located on Pender Street), and he was also one of 150 Vancouver artists in last Saturday evening’s “Cheaper Show” in Gastown. His works are done with a mix of airbrush, acrylic, inks, and text, with imagery focused on portraiture.
A full set of Eben’s work on display for Chronicle can be seen on Flickr.
The show opens Friday at Little Mountain Studios on Main Street, and runs until July 7th. Both artists will be in attendance opening night.
Chronicle: Collaborative Works by Neal Nolan and Eben Bender
Little Mountain Studios
195 East 26th (One block west off Main.)
Opening: June 27th, 7pm to 11pm