Tell Me What You’re Reading

Waterlilies in VanDusen Gardens.

I am looking for recommendations on interesting, funny, entertaining, or inspiring blogs to read. I feel like I am in a blog rut and would like some help getting out of it. Make some suggestions please, and base it on the ones YOU like rather than what you think I’d like.

A blog I recently started reading is Cake Wrecks on the recommendation of Susie. It isn’t normally something I would read but it’s hilarious! Who knew there was a trend in realistic cake portraiture. (Creepy.)

10 thoughts on “Tell Me What You’re Reading

  1. filmgoerjuan says:

    Lately I’ve been enjoying:

    Heading East – wonderful personal/photography blog. Lots of interesting links to new and upcoming photographers. Beautiful posts about his family. He’s also on Flickr (and well worth adding as a contact).

    Sweet Juniper! – a personal blog written by a husband/wife team. Lots of child raising stuff, but it’s beautifully written and often quite amusing/poignant.

    Photon Detector – photography blog. Lots of interesting camera related stuff. A lot of new film and lens posts, but also a healthy supple of trashcam/toycam stuff too.

    Saturday Morning Blog – classic cartoons and childrens’ shows from our youth.

  2. Rachael says:

    Thank you both for your suggestions. I haven’t had a chance to take a look at these as yet, but I like the sound of some of them.

    Stewart, I am subscribed to Postsecret but haven’t looked at it in ages.

  3. Maktaaq says:

    Oh, there are a few I really look forward to each day, that maybe you haven’t read:

    16 Days Under the Sundae: Sometime Vancouver resident and my former coworker, Raspberry is trying to make a new life for herself in San Diego; it’s a personal blog. She’s had a pretty interesting and somewhat tumultuous life so far in the blog (see archives). Nice person and good writer.

    Litblitz: This Baltimore sort-of friend (online friend?) of mine writes about her numerous rejection letters from literary magazines. She seems like a sweet person, is always optimistic, and I am hoping that one day her short stories will be famous.

    Hebdomeros: A Washington DC writer/librarian who reviews books I almost invariably want to then read. Seems like a really nice guy and has a lot of cool literary hobbies.

  4. degan says:
  5. Kirsti says:

    I read for the pictures for a quick jolt of inspiration whether it be colour, pattern or an inspiring line (the drawn sort):

    design related:
    Black Eiffel:
    Design for Mankind:

    Illustration related:

    for inspired and inspiring illustration and to satisfy my cravings for Scandinavian design sensibility and the repressed minimalist in me: Camilla Engman:

    fantastic line work and a brave, unapologetic sketch blog:

    illustration and painting info etc in easy to digest, well organised posts: James Gurney:

    Art general:
    contemporary art roundup – Hunt and Gather:

    book collection on Book By Its Cover:

    Fellow kid lit colleague kc dyer, whose blog I like to follow to see what new object/piece of furniture/electronic device etc her dog Silas has chewed beyond recognition:

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