Little Stories: Transforming the Book

Altered Book: The Butterfly Effect - Detail

For the month of March my altered books will be hanging on the walls of local starup tech company Bootup Labs, located in the newly renovated Flack Block on the edge of Gastown. I kind of miss having them around our apartment but it’s nice not to have them covering every single surface and hanging on most of the walls. (Yes I want a studio.)

On the evening of Wednesday March 3rd from 6:30pm to 9pm, I’ll be holding an artist reception to showcase the altered books. I invite you to come on by to see the work and say hi. There is a Facebook event page if you’d like to RSVP.

Altered Book: The Alchemy of Existence - detail

As a side note, half of the books have already been sold, which is very exciting news. Two of the books have been purchased by AdHack and will be awarded as prizes in their Olympic Ad photo competition which ends tomorrow.

Little Stories: Transforming the Book, artist reception
Wednesday March 3rd, 2010 – 6:30 to 9pm
Location: Bootup Labs offices
The Flack Block
Suite 200 – 163 West Hastings Street at Cambie
Vancouver BC

3 thoughts on “Little Stories: Transforming the Book

  1. Roberta says:

    Congratulations! The show hasn’t even opened yet and it’s already a success. I received your postcards yesterday. Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.

  2. Shelley says:


    congratulations on the show and on the sales of your books.. the cherry tree altered book is amazing, i am off to check out your others on flickr.. gorgeous!!!

  3. Rachael says:

    Roberta, I’ve never had anything like this happen before with my art. So many people were asking about buying the books before I ever got the show together. I hope you like the postcards. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks Shelley. I recently quit my day job to concentrate on my art full time, so this is a good start to things.

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