Inspiration and Recovery

The first few weeks of 2013 have been one of the most frustratingly unproductive time periods of my life (to date) all because I can’t seem to get over this flu bug. It’s been all over the news this past week that the current flu virus is the worst in years (or maybe ever). I definitely agree.

The best cure for it is drinking plenty of fluids and rest, but I’ve grown tired of resting, and think longingly of all the projects I haven’t had the energy or focus to get working on. I’m frustrated with this situation, but there isn’t really anything I can do, except take care of myself.

Until I return to normal levels of productivity, here are a few things I’ve found inspiring:

These amazing stained glass windows made from laser cut paper by Eric Standley

Paper Tesselations by Kota Hiratsuka
Hexagon Tessellation

An article called, “Playing Video Games on Hard“, which is more an approach to life than it is about video games.

I could always use more inspiration, so if there’s something blowing your mind at the moment, please share.

2 thoughts on “Inspiration and Recovery

  1. Maureen says:

    Rachel, I’m with you on this one. I’ve had the flu-gunk since Dec. 20th and still am not back to my old self. Low energy. Hacking cough. sinus headaches … it’s very frustrating, and I’m going nuts in the house. But I’m getting a little better every day. I wish you well — hope you feel much much better soon.

    • Rachael says:

      Maureen, I hope you feel better soon. I’ve been sick off and in for about the same amount of time. The worst part is the low energy when there’s so much I want to do.

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