A Visit to Harrison Hot Springs

Over the weekend Boris and I rented a car and drove to Harrison Hot Springs to visit our friend Siobhan. She is the artist in residence until September at the Ranger Station Art Gallery. It was a beautiful but cold weekend in Harrison while the rest of the Greater Vancouver area continued to be shrouded in fog.

Harrison Hot Springs

It’s a one and a half hour drive to Harrison, and we took the scenic route. For about half the drive there was nothing to see but hints of landscape and trees through the fog, and then somewhere around Agassiz the sun busted through and there were stunning views of mountains and valleys laid before us.

Harrison Hot Springs

Harrison Hot Springs

Harrison Hot Springs

We stayed with Siobhan at the Rangers Station, and spent a lovely low key day hanging out, going for walks, sharing food and stories, and even fit in a cat-induced nap. I was still feeing ill while we where there but I was so happy get away from our apartment, and to be outside in fresh air and nature. It recharged me.

Harrison Hot Springs

Harrison Hot Springs

Harrison Hot Springs

I think my favorite times are those spent with friends over some sort of food in our private homes. It’s good for the friendship and somehow centering for the individuals.