Shortlisted for Ironclad Art

Ironclad Art is a competition put on by the City of Vancouver challenging people to come up with new manhole cover designs. As of the deadline in mid-April they received over one thousand submissions, all of which you can view online. Last week I was pleased to learn my work was selected as one of the top twenty-five finalists. Woot!

I chose to create one of my intricate paper cut designs (pictured here), and I would dearly love to see this immortalized in metal. Even if it isn’t chosen as the finalist, it’s still pretty cool to make the shortlist.

Ironclad Art. Rachael Ashe design

As part of the competition there is a People’s Choice award. Please help me out and vote for my design. Winners of Ironclad Art will be announced this Saturday June 1st. I can hardly wait.

4 thoughts on “Shortlisted for Ironclad Art

  1. Kathryn says:

    Congrats! Yer Mother actually told me about this. Now if I can just figure out how to vote ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Maureen Shaughnessy says:

    Rachael I hope your design wins and you are immortalized in cast iron for the next 100 years. ๐Ÿ™‚ I voted. And I put a post about it on my Google+ for my family members who live in Vancouver and other parts of Canada. I couldn’t find the short list — there were hundreds of entries to vote on…. so thanks for providing the direct link to yours.
    It’s a little strange that there is no distinction or allowance for more weight for voters who live in the city of Vancouver. If it were my hometown I would want my vote to count for more than somebody from 1000 miles away (who lives in a different country) {grins}
    by the way your design is absolutely gorgeous! It has just the right amount of texture, line, form — and balance of negative and positive space — to really work for a manhole cover. Good Luck!!!

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