More Scenes from Bowen Island

A few photos from a lovely long weekend on Bowen a week and a half ago. It was a good time for bird watching, as you can see from some of the photos.

North Shore mountains from Howe Sound

There were two Anna’s Hummingbirds constantly visiting the feeder. The view of them was excellent since it’s located just outside the window beside the kitchen table. They are amazing little birds.

Male Anna's Hummingbird

Male Anna's Hummngbird

Male Anna's Hummingbird

The Canada Geese had taken over the Lagoon with their horde of goslings. There were at least thirty of them in one group, watched over by multiple parents. Gosling daycare I suppose.

Goslings and parents


Bowen Island a place where there are lovely things to see, rain or shine.

Rain drops on the water