Wearable Triangles Progress

Up until recently I got a little sidetracked by working on my website rather than in the studio. But last week I made some major progress on the triangle wearable. The photo above is of the first version from a few weeks ago, and the second photo (positioned in a spiral) was after I added more material. I kept looking at this second version and felt it needed even more.


I cut an additional eighty triangles (twenty of each colour), and added them to the piece. There are six strands measuring roughly sixteenish inches long. I improvised a makeshift clasp so I could try it on and get a sense for how it should hang on a body. It’s working very well, but I still feel it needs a bit more material added to it because I want it to be denser.


My next steps are figuring out how to make a proper clasp and attachment from wire. I’m hoping to get this and two other pieces finished in time for the beginning of July because photos are due then of the work.