Process: Block Printing on Cut Paper

Earlier in May I was putting together a few pieces of small work for Meet the Makers, an event with Crafted Vancouver. I created four scribble pieces in white paper all with two layers each. After I finished cutting the work I decided I wanted them to have colour because I am tired of white work.

I made the crazy decision to block print each layer with a single colour using a piece of circle cut lino. I inked the lino and then placed the cut pieces on top, with a scrap pieces of paper over both so I could rub the brayer and transfer the ink without making a huge mess. Below is the lovely design imprinted temporarily onto the ink after printing.

Above and below are some photos taken of bits and pieces of the process as I was working through the prints. The scrap pieces of paper used to catch the ink were a wonderful result I’ve held onto with the idea of using it in some way.

The last two photos are details of one of the finished pieces once it was framed. I’d actually like to go back and layer more colour onto the cut scribbles, but it will have to wait until I’m back in the studio this August.