Progress on the Pattern Project

It’s a good thing I keep an on-going record of what I am working on with Instagram and my blog because it helps me realize how productive I have been lately. I’d been feeling unproductive, but looking back at my previous entry earlier in October about the pattern project I’d revived, I realized I’d done lots of work on it since then. I’m currently in the process of working on the sixth new one.

I switched things up last week and started cutting Islamic patterns. The two pictured here are the ones I have completed. These designs are even more time consuming and elaborate to cut than the series of Japanese textile patterns. So many lines!



I enjoy working on these because the process of cutting is like examining the structure of the pattern under a microscope. My eye is a close as it can possibly get and I literally view the structure line by line.



I finished the third new Islamic pattern paper cut earlier today, so now it’s time to assess what the next steps will be for the project. Cut more pieces?! Select a third series of patterns to add? Making decisions is part of the fun.