Pattern Mixing in Green

This pattern mixing piece in green paper began as a sketchbook drawing. I tried to stick as closely as possible to the original layout as I translated it into this larger piece. It’s the strangest shape I’ve worked with yet with its mix of sharp angles and curves.

My biggest struggle when drawing these is working with the French curve templates I have the are often slightly too small to cover the area I am trying to trace a line. I’ve figured out a way to make it work though. It’s also tricky to use my compass to draw partial circles because I can’t get it to expand as wide as I would like. I should look into whether I can find a larger version of both tools.

This piece has the most made-up-on-the-fly patterns (as I was drawing) of any of the work to date. I think because at this point I’d been thinking and looking at patterns enough that I could now come up with my own. I included one section of freeform cutting using my classic repeating crescent shape.

Pattern mixing in green (not the actual title) is hand-cut from Canson Mi-Tientes paper, and is 25 x 17.5 inches in size.