2023 Year End Review in Twelve Photos

I went back to see how many years I have been writing these year end review posts on the blog, and it’s been fourteen years!!! Wow.

2023 was another challenging year, this time because I was juggling WAY too many things and struggling with burn out. There is good in even the worst year, and making art is always one of the good things.













Work In Progress: Embroidery Side-Project

I wanted to work on a larger embroidery sampler and decided to go with a 10 inch diameter hoop this time. It’s about triple the size of previous projects, and I’ve been working on this off and on since the fall.

The sampler has become a mishmash of textures and colours, and I sometimes love it, and sometimes hate it. I set it aside while I worked on the embroidered gift for my mom, and work on it about once of twice a week.

I’m hoping to finish it once I reach the borders of the embroidery hoop, but I’m not in a rush to get there. It’s nice to have a side-project with no timeframe or deadline.

Freestyle Embroidery in 3D

I began this small embroidery project around mid-March, just at the Covid 19 restrictions hit BC, and worked on it almost every day until completion. It was the one thing I was able to focus on during that time, and it helped carry me through the weirdness.

It was a gift for my mom’s birthday in early April, that I very last minute decided to make. I managed to finish in half a month, (which must be some kind of record), and get it into the mail a few days before her birthday. It ended up taking so long to make its way across the country to Ontario that I thought it was lost forever. Thankfully, it arrived and she loved it!

The piece is created with a six inch embroidery hoop, using black cotton/linen blend fabric as the canvas. The composition is made up of hand stitched French knots, bullion knots, picot stitch, seed stitch, and back stitch. I love highly textured embroidery, and making use of all of those colours!