I began this small embroidery project around mid-March, just at the Covid 19 restrictions hit BC, and worked on it almost every day until completion. It was the one thing I was able to focus on during that time, and it helped carry me through the weirdness.

It was a gift for my mom’s birthday in early April, that I very last minute decided to make. I managed to finish in half a month, (which must be some kind of record), and get it into the mail a few days before her birthday. It ended up taking so long to make its way across the country to Ontario that I thought it was lost forever. Thankfully, it arrived and she loved it!

The piece is created with a six inch embroidery hoop, using black cotton/linen blend fabric as the canvas. The composition is made up of hand stitched French knots, bullion knots, picot stitch, seed stitch, and back stitch. I love highly textured embroidery, and making use of all of those colours!