Hot Talks @ Hot Art Wet City: Miranda Lievers

It’s always a thrill for me to introduce another talented, well-spoken, and knowledgeable friend to the audience of the Hot Talks speaker series. This month features a talk by Miranda Lievers, a photographer, entrepreneur, crafter, mom, and a zillion other things.


The Art of Pinterest-Perfect:
A talk on learning by doing, and never assuming that you can’t

In a world where we’re inundated with Pinterest-perfect snapshots of seemingly impeccably executed culinary adventures, craft projects, and even home renovations, it’s enough to assume that everyone else has got this already and that you should probably just stay in bed. Not often perfect (but usually close enough), the “sure why not?” approach can lead to a funny story, a new skill, and the courage to say yes again.

Read the full description here.

The latest Hot Talk happens on August 21st at 7pm. Tickets are by donation and are available for purchase through Eventbrite.

Hot Talks: Miranda Lievers
Hot Art Wet City
Date: August 21st, 2014
Time: Doors 6:30, talk 7pm
Address: 2206 Main Street (at 6th Ave), Vancouver

Hot Talks @ Hot Art Wet City: Chris Tyrell Loranger

I am so pleased to have Chris Tyrell Loranger as the next speaker at Hot Talks. I consider him a mentor as well as a friend, and he’s been an incredible creative force in Vancouver arts and culture for almost forty years.


So you want to be an artist, with dreams of playing in a studio all day making art? It’s an idealized vision, but the reality of working as a professional artist is that society fails to support and sustain the arts and artists on many fronts. The education system fails us, because creativity is not recognized as a core academic value; the arts are considered an educational option. And working professional artists are statistically destined to be poor and untrained.

Join us as Chris Tyrell Loranger shares his ideas around making changes to the arts in Vancouver and beyond.

Read the full description here.

The latest Hot Talk happens on June 24th at 7pm. Tickets are by donation and are available for purchase through Eventbrite.

Hot Talks: Chris Tyrell Loranger
Hot Art Wet City
Date: June 24th, 2014
Time: Doors 6:30, talk 7pm
Address: 2206 Main Street (at 6th Ave), Vancouver

Work in Progress: Kirigami

If you’ve been wondering what I’ll be working on at Vancouver Mini Maker Faire this weekend, here is a sneak preview. I’d been wracking my brain for a simple idea and I decided to try kirigami style paper cutting, which is essentially fancy schmancy snowflakes out of coloured paper.

Kirigami paper cuts

Kirigami paper cuts

I am completely obsessed with making these because they are so simple and beautiful. I use a knife as my cutting tool rather than scissors. It allows me to be more intricate with the designs. I have a pile of the cut off pieces and they look almost as interesting as the rest of the pieces.

Kirigami paper cuts

Kirigami paper cuts

I’m doing some of the preparation for this in advance but mostly I’ll be working on this throughout Maker Faire weekend. I’m curious to see how large an installation I can create over two days.

Vancouver Mini Maker Faire 2014

This week I am gathering ideas and putting together an exhibit of my paper work for Vancouver Mini Maker Faire. I’ll have some of my paper cutting work on display, and I’m thinking about creating a site specific installation over the course of the weekend, but haven’t yet finalized all of the details.


Maker Faire brings together a huge cross section of creative people from artists like me, to crafters, knitters, small scale fabrication through laser cutting or 3D printers, as well robots, music makers, and so much more. Check out the full list of Makers, Workshops, and the Speaker Series.

Buy your tickets in advance to save money »

Vancouver Mini Maker Faire 2014
Dates: Saturday June 7th & Sunday June 8th 2014
Times: 10am to 6pm
Location: PNE Forum

Inspiration From Nature on Bowen Island

It was good to spend the May long weekend on Bowen because nature and I needed to get in touch. It’s been months since we were last on the island, when normally Boris and I visit every six weeks or so. I went for long walks every day, and saw many beautiful things.

May long weekend on Bowen Island
Howe Sound on the way to Bowen Island.

May long weekend on Bowen Island
Red legged frog in the back pond

May long weekend on Bowen Island
Foraged oyster mushrooms for dinner

May long weekend on Bowen Island
Drowned forest reflected in the water

May long weekend on Bowen Island
Kilarney Lake greenery

May long weekend on Bowen Island
Unfurling fern leaves

May long weekend on Bowen Island
Sailing home

May long weekend on Bowen Island
The view of North Shore mountains from the ferry

I think some of these elements will soon find their way into my work. Those mushrooms and the fern are crying out to be reproduced in paper.

Hot Talks @ Hot Art Wet City: Billy Marchenski & Alison Denham

The upcoming speakers at Hot Talks at Hot Art Wet City in April are two of the interesting people who live in my East Van building, Billy Marchenski and Alison Denham. We know each other in passing, and this was my excuse to hear more about they do as dancers, performers, and choreographers.


Alison Denham and Billy Marchenski present choreography and slideshow excerpts from their piece Slowpoke, a performance inspired by their experiences visiting the Chornobyl Exclusion zone in the Fall of 2011. Slowpoke starts off as a pilgrimage to rediscover lost roots and turns into an analysis of ideas of authenticity and human beings’ relationship to the eternal in everyday life.

Read the full description here.

Join us for this latest Hot Talk on April 24th at 7pm. Tickets are by donation and are available for purchase through Eventbrite.

Hot Talks: Billy Marchenski & Alison Denham
Hot Art Wet City
Date: April 24th, 2014
Time: Doors 6:30, talk 7pm
Address: 2206 Main Street (at 6th Ave), Vancouver

Hot Talks @ Hot Art Wet City with Julien Thomas

Our next speaker at Hot Talks at Hot Art Wet City is Julien Thomas, a Social Artist and Facilitator based in Vancouver.

His recent initiatives include Park-a-Park, Vancouver’s first mobile park, and the Commercial Drive Parklet which was successfully funded through Kickstarter in late 2013. Julien pursues his passion by creating spaces that forge new connections and radically engage participants.


Confessions of an Urban Interventionist

We find ourselves in a concrete reality of streets, curbs, and sidewalks that guide our daily path. Despite this hard situation, we do have a choice: What if we decided to step off the curb and chart new directions? What actually compels us to walk the straight and narrow?

Read the full description here.

Join us for the latest Hot Talk on March 27th at 7pm. Tickets are by donation and are available for purchase through Eventbrite.

Hot Talks: Julien Thomas
Hot Art Wet City
Date: March 27th, 2014
Time: Doors 6:30, talk 7pm
Address: 2206 Main Street (at 6th Ave), Vancouver

Creative Mornings Vancouver: Making By Hand

It’s been a month since I did my talk at Creative Mornings in December, and I’m only now getting around to sharing the video recording. The audio is a little quiet so be sure to turn up your volume.

I am very happy with my delivery of the talk because I put a lot of preparation into it, and it paid off. I felt relaxed and confident on stage, and said everything I wanted to say. The audience was engaged and attentive during the talk, and I’ve had great feedback on the whole thing. I spoke for about thirty minutes but it went by in no time for me.

I have a few more posts to write related to the talk, including one about the process I went through to develop the whole thing. In the beginning I had no idea where to start in putting it together but luckily I had many friends who are experienced speakers to ask for advice. It’ll be helpful to others to share what I learned from the whole experience.

Hot Talks @ Hot Art Wet City with Johnathon Vaughn Strebly

Our first Hot Talks speaker of 2014 at Hot Art Wet City is Johnathon Vaughn Strebly. He is a designer, photographer, and community builder involved as a volunteer in Creative Mornings and is the current president of the GDCBC. Johnathon will be speaking finding inspiration with Lego.


Creative Blocks & Coloured Bricks

LEGO as a muse? Seriously? How could a designer, or any creative professional, possibly find inspiration from a simple plastic toy brick? But did you know this is one of the best boys Lego ideas for anyone planning to streamline their child’s career straight into engineer or architect? Creative Blocks & Coloured Bricks will feature a blatant disregard to traditional creative process tactics and focus on playful techniques for smoothing out the speed bumps of creative blocks.

Read the full description of Johnathon’s talk here.

Join us for the latest Hot Talk on January 23rd at 7pm. Tickets are by donation and are available for purchase through Eventbrite.

Hot Talks: Johnathon Vaughn Strebly
Hot Art Wet City
Date: January 23rd, 2014
Time: Doors 6:30, talk 7pm
Address: 2206 Main Street, Vancouver

Facing Fears Through Creative Mornings

Tomorrow morning I take the stage at SFU Woodwards and present myself to the world at Creative Mornings. I’ve known about this talk for months, so I’ve had plenty of time to acclimatize to the idea of talking in front of a large audience. Public speaking has always been a huge fear of mine, and normally I avoid it even in small ways.

By going through the process of developing this talk I have challenging a long held fear. Not to say my anxiety has completely gone away, but it feels manageable now rather than completely overwhelming. I’m extremely grateful this opportunity came my way, and also that I had the sense not to refuse it.

The whole experience has me wondering what other fears I should face…

Watch this teaser video about my talk: