Beautiful Things At The Vancouver Farmers Markets

One of the things I do at my part-time job with Foodtree is take photos at the farmers markets. We’re really trying to promote local producers and connect people with where their food comes from. I use the photos to add to the Foodtree database, but also for things like blog posts. I thought I’d share some of the photos here as well.

Opening Day of Trout Lake Farmers Market - radishes
Kitsilano Farmers Market: yellow oyster mushrooms
Opening Day of Trout Lake Farmers Market - rhubarb
Opening Day of Trout Lake Farmers Market - fiddleheads
Opening Day of Trout Lake Farmers Market - lilacs
Kitsilano Farmers Market: spring onions
Kitsilano Farmers Market: tulips

There are so many beautiful (and yummy) things at the farmers markets. I’m so glad the season is now open.