Mobile Studio: Daily Drawings in Four, Part 3

My series of daily drawings on 3.5 inch paper circles wrapped up as of yesterday when I finished the sixtieth one. The stack of them measures about 3/4 of an inch high, which is not a lot, but equals two months of sketchbook work capturing ideas.

See the previous sets here and here.

Set 9 – exploring variations of looping lines

Set 10 – exploring tessellated patterns inspired by my visit with Nadine Werner

Set 11 – revisiting an older idea of spirals with new variations

Set 12 – exploring an idea based on a textile pattern I came across here.

Set 13 – exploring line work inspired by tape art murals

Set 14 – exploring intense and intricate line work

Set 15 – exploring some of my favourite Japanese textile patterns

I’m a little bit sad to have run out of circles before the end of the trip but I knew that was going to happen. I punched an even number of circles to cover sixty days. I’m pretty tired of working so small and badly need to go home to the studio and make some larger work. Soooooon…..