Thirty Days of Handmade

I’ve been sharing a photo series of personal handmade objects collected over the years as a project on Instagram for the month of November. The focus will mostly be items I’ve bought myself rather than things I’ve been gifted, and includes handmade functional items as well as artwork. It’s been interesting to look around the apartment and select things to share.

I kicked things off with the fox head ceramic broach by Erin Paisley that I wear on my winter coat. I get compliments on it all the time from random strangers. I’m always surprised when people spot it as I walk past on the street.

The scratchboard owl above is by Andrea Hooge, the collection of fabric bookmarks below is by Japanese Fabric Creations SHINO, and the pen and ink kokeshi doll is by Sally Hutcheon (who doesn’t appear to have a website).

I decided to do this series because I was feeling blah about using instagram, but I also wanted to highlight handmade gifts as we make our way into the Christmas season. Maybe it will lead to sales for some of the people I will feature. Follow me on Instagram to see more of the series.