Etsy Shop Update: Valentine’s Day Paper Cut Work

I make a few heart-shaped paper cut pieces in the weeks leading up to Valentine’s day, and I’ve recently added two of these to my Etsy shop. I made one in deep red paper backed with white, and one in white paper backed in a bright red.

Red paper cut heart on Etsy »

White paper cut heart on Etsy »

If those don’t grab you, there are also heart-shaped gel pen drawings listed as well.

Recent Commissions: Paper Cut Letter and Wave

I’ve worked on a few small commissions over the last few weeks and have done a bad job of documenting them before they went on their way. I managed to take one quick photo of each of them, but not details.


I made this custom letter paper cut for a client who came across my work via The Georgia Straight instagram account. They reshared my time lapse video during Culture Crawl weekend, and from there she checked out my work and decided to commission this letter for her son. I don’t do these very often but it’s always nice when someone wants one. Check out the Etsy listing here.

Commission: Wave

The wave is one design in a series I made for a hospitality commission a few years back, and was recently requested to redo because the original was stolen from the client. It’s a bit flattering someone liked it so much they wanted it for themselves, but what a way to go about it. It was lovely to revisit this design and do an even better job of it than years previous. I am much more refined as a paper cutting artist because I have more years of experience under my belt.

I really should make some of these to sell…

Looking Towards The Moon

I am more focused on thread than paper lately but I have managed to slip in some paper cutting projects as well. This is a piece of work I finished shortly after the Culture Crawl and it framed in record time. I decided to title it Looking Towards The Moon, which at first I thought was too dramatic but now I think it suits it.

The finished size is 11″ x 14″ cut from archival Strathmore Mixed Media paper, and framed in a white shadowbox.

You can find this piece listed in my Etsy shop »

Etsy Shop Update: Succulents and 3D Paper Art

A update to my Etsy shop has been a long time coming, and now you can find six new pieces of recent work available for purchase. The update includes three framed paper succulents, and three framed pieces from the microcosm series that combine drawing and paper cutting. All of the work is framed and ready to hang.

Paper Succulents 9″ x 9″ framed


Microcosm series 9″ x 9″ framed


Microcosm series 9″ x 9″ framed

Visit my Etsy shop to view more of the work, and to make a purchase.

Etsy Shop Update: More Drawings!

The pile of drawings I did a few months ago have slowly been making their way into my Etsy Shop. These are the latest four.

Spiral drawing
White gel pen on 8.5″ x 11″ card stock. Etsy listing »

Spiral drawing
White gel pen on 8.5″ x 11″ card stock. Etsy listing »

Succulent drawing
White gel pen on 8.5″ x 11″ card stock. Etsy listing »

Succulent drawing
Metallic copper gel pen on 8.5″ x 11″ card stock. Etsy listing »
(It’s hard to photograph metallic gel pen, but this really is a warm copper colour).

The section containing all of the Etsy listings of drawings can be found here »

Spiral Line Drawings Continued

A few days ago I found myself feeling unproductive so I decided to lay out all of the drawings from the last week across the floor. It was a good check in to do because I’d produced a lot more work than I’d realized. And now this work is making its way to my Etsy shop for other people to enjoy.

Circle line drawings
Circle line drawings
The Etsy listing for this drawing »

Circle line drawings
Circle line drawings
The Etsy listing for this drawing »

These two are my favourite of the group of drawings I’ve created to date. At the moment I’ve just started working on a piece that will combine paper cutting and drawing. I’m curious to see how well this will work.